The Arbitration Council is an independent, national institution with quasi-judicial authority derived from the Labour Law of Cambodia. Established in 2003 with the support of the Ministry of Labour, employers and unions, the Arbitration Council is empowered to assist parties in resolving collective labour disputes in Cambodia.
Since 2003, ACF and the AC have received over 2,706 labour dispute cases involving approximately one million workers. ACF also conducts stakeholder trainings and outreach activities on labour law and labour dispute resolution issues for workers, trade unions, employers, employers’ associations, government and other industrial relations stakeholders, professionals and members of the public in Cambodia.
In a challenging environment where fundamental labour rights are not secure and where many institutions and legal processes are inaccessible to citizens, the AC and ACF have gained the confidence of the community for their integrity and proven ability to help citizens access their rights and resolve their disputes.
This year is the 2nd season of the short film competition called by the ACF. In 2017, 3 films were selected for winner award and 1 was selected for appreciation award.
The short film competition aims to raise public awareness on the peaceful dispute resolution mechanism to strengthen industrial relations and contribute to economic growth for the nation.
“The Impact of the Arbitration Council on Labour Sector and Economic in Cambodia.”
The impact shall be related to the following:
- Improving the climate for investment and economic growth, ensures safe and productive working conditions for women and men, and allows individuals and businesses to get back to work.
- Promoting decent work for all Cambodians, including obtaining recognition and respect for the rights of workers –in particular marginalized or poor workers– who need representation, participation and laws that work for their interest, and promoting more informed and constructive social dialogue especially among workers’ and employers’ organizations in order to increase productivity, prevent disputation and build a more cohesive Cambodian society.
- Promoting constructive dialogue, strengthening employment relationships, upholding fundamental rights, and promoting good governance and the rule of law.
- One team can submit only one short film
- The member or staff of the Arbitration Council, the Arbitration Council Foundation, and the Secretariat of the Arbitration Council are not allowed to apply for this competition
- 3 minutes to 5 minutes video
- The language of the short film is Khmer or English
- The content of the video must be shown the reality of the AC process and the theme
- “Collective labour disputes resolution and prevention at AC”
- The applicants should consult with the following AC publications such as:
- “The Arbitration Council: Questions and Answers”,
- “The Arbitration Council and the Process for Labour Dispute Resolution in Cambodia” and
- “Guide to Case Preparation for Arbitration Council Hearing”
- The AC’s website and social media materials (Facebook, YouTube and Twitter)
Action | Timeframe |
The competition is opened for 3 – 5 minutes video.
The short film and application form must be submitted to schan@arbitrationcouncil.org or/and submit the DVD and application form to the AC office. |
12 June – 31 July 2018 |
All interested candidates should attend the first short film information day at the AC office. | 28 June 2018 at 2:00 pm |
All interested candidates should attend the second short film information day at the AC office. | 10 July 2018 at 2:00 pm |
Training on “the AC process and Case Preparation before the Council” is available for all contestants free of charge at the AC office. | 19 July 2018 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm |
Deadline for short film submission | 31 July 2018 at 5:00 pm |
Technical Evaluation Committee reviews video submissions | 01 – 14 August 2018 |
Shortlisted videos are notified by e-mail | 15 August 2018 |
Each shortlisted video team will have an individual consultation with AC and professional film makers to adjust video with the support of 100 US$ budget each from AC. | 18 – 22 August 2018 |
Each shortlisted team must resubmit his/her adjusted via to schan@arbitrationcouncil.orgor/and resubmit the DVD to the AC office | 29 August 2018 by 5:00 pm |
Shortlisted videos will be posted on Facebook for the public votes. | 01 – 31 September 2018 |
The final result will be notified. | 03 October 2018 |
50% from the short film committees (ACF and Professional Film Makers) and the judging panel will consider the following criteria for selecting the video:
• Adherence to the theme: The video clearly and creatively represents the theme of “The Impact of the Arbitration Council on Labour Sector and Economic in Cambodia”.
• Originality and creativity: The content is unique and not derivative of other ideas and presents the theme in an original and compelling way.
• Production techniques: The video reflects thoughtful framing and composition, presenting a clear story, is well-paced and focused, and has a clear and audible soundtrack and/or voice-over.
• Duration: The duration of final video should not exceed 5 minutes.
50% from Facebook Votes (Most like and share get more points)
- The number of Like (Minimum 500)
- The number of View (As much as possible)
- The number of Share (Minimum 500)
The shortlisted films will be posted on Arbitration Council’s Facebook Page for the public voting.
- 1st Prize: the first trophy and 4,000,000 Riel
- 2nd Prize: the second trophy and 2,800,000 Riel
- 3rd Prize: the third trophy and 2,000,000 Riel
Two incentive awards for the short films will receive 600,000 Riel each and the certificate of appreciation.
Notice: The Arbitration Council Foundation will have the authorization to use the three awarded short films and the two incentive awarded short films.
Benefits of participating in this short film competition:
1. Chance to show your potential in film making to the public and in the future career
2. Chance to become one of the winners in this competition
3. Contribute in Labour Dispute Resolution process in Cambodia
4. Learn new thing and enjoy challenging competition
The short film and application form must be submitted by via schan@arbitrationcouncil.org or/and submit the DVD and application form to the Arbitration Council office.
For more information regarding the competition, please kindly contact:
Mr. Chan Seyha, Communications Officer at the Arbitration Council Foundation (ACF)
Email: schan@arbitrationcouncil.org, Tel: (+855) 92 77 91 21 or (+855) 23 881 814
Address: No. 72, Street 592 (corner of St. 327), Sangkat Boeung Kak II, Khan Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. P.O. Box.1180
For detailed documents about the competition: Download
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